About me

My name is Morgan I’m originally from North Dakota in the U.S. I’m a crazy dreamer and with an insatiable desire for travel and adventure who could never settle for an ordinary life or conform with the norm. I believe that travel is so much more than simply seeing the sights – that travel, and the things you learn from it, can really change your life.I travel to grow as a person, to meet others who inspire and educate me and to (hopefully!) do the same in return, to have my life enriched by the beauty and diversity of this amazing world and to have my eyes, mind and heart opened wide.I travel to make the most of my time on earth, to make every day count, instead of counting down the days till the weekend or to a 2 week vacation – because life is simply too short for me to live it any other way! But most of all I travel for freedom – to live life on my terms, to be in charge of my own destiny, to give myself the biggest luxury – Time. Time to pursue my passions, dreams and ambitions instead of spending the best years of life day dreaming out of a rain streaked window working all day for someone else’s dreams.

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